Censorship and the lies humans believe

This post was saved in my drafts from February 27. I decided to just go ahead and post it. It was exactly what I was feeling and thinking at the time.

The recent banning of my YouTube account really made me angry. It’s been restored after my appeal, and I got an email that it was an error and that I didn’t break the community standards. But for how long? Censorship is getting a lot worse on social media. Anyone telling the truth about important issues is going to be silenced.

If you can’t handle what I have posted online, then you are not ready to hear what I think and don’t say. So, before America turns into complete soviet Russia, I would like to say that I believe in God. Nobody will understand this unless they read my Chandler’s Honesty story. And maybe nobody cares. That is totally okay. But what I do know is that I cry when I hear true things that I know are meant for me. This happened many times when Honesty spoke to me in my dreams and when I read my book.

Humans believe many lies. Here are just a few of them.

The lie that Pro-Life people are only older men who hate women and want to control their bodies.

The lie that transwomen are only trying to invade women’s spaces for easy sports victories or to rape them in women’s restrooms.

The lie that we won’t get protein without eating meat.

The lie that people choose to be gay as some rebellion against God.

I could give a TED talk about how these are demonstrably false. In fact, I probably will because telling the truth is what I do. I will be making changes to how I use social media because I lack the time to get into arguments with people online who don’t listen. I expect that I will still occasionally post my gaming and programming videos when I find time to work on my creative projects. Very rarely do I have the chance between work and school. My real friends can ask me about other topics, but I am so done with trying to explain myself over and over just to have people say the same hateful and false things about the topics I have mentioned in this post.

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