Professional and Personal Values

For this post I am sharing a post I had to make for my Portfolio 1 class. I had to pick a company and write about how well it lived up to its stated values. Then I had to write my own list of personal values and describe them. Also, as a special exercise, I want anyone who reads this to look at the 5 values I listed and tell me where else you will find them all. Company Values

The gaming company I have chosen for this post may seem like a strange one, but it is rather unique in that it focuses only on the game of chess. is the number one site for playing online chess because it was developed at a time when there were not as many good options for playing chess. Their stated values are Kindness, Learning, and Joy. They also state that they aim to be more than just a site for playing chess but a community in which players can feel safe and happy. Although not stated directly in their values, they also care about fair play and will do things to correct ratings when players are cheating. I know this from experience because they send me private messages, which I get telling me when an opponent cheats.

While I believe that lives up to all its stated values, I believe that the one it lives up to the most is Learning. The site has countless courses, articles, and mobile apps designed to teach people how to play chess better, and some focus on specific openings. For example, here is a link to the article about Queen’s Gambit, which explains most of what I have learned about it. It explains the history, pros and cons, main responses, and even a link to a course about the Queen’s Gambit Declined response.

Another great example of the emphasis on learning is that many coaches are available to contact people who learn in ways other than just reading or playing games alone.

Chastity’s Personal Values

I strive to be consistent with many values, whether in my job or my personal life.

  1. Honesty

I always speak the truth, even when it costs me friends and job opportunities. I believe a world where it is acceptable to tell “white lies” is a world not worth living in. It was because of this that I published a series of books titled “Chandler’s Honesty” which detail my faults and how I wrestle with my weaknesses as I make hard decisions. In fact, it’s important to note that the reason it’s not called “Chastity’s Honesty” is because I do not attempt to hide who I was. Being transgender is a rather hard concept for people to understand, but through the years, I have never attempted to pretend that I was not born a boy named Chandler. However, my mentor, Honesty the Unicorn, told me that there are two truths to tell. There is the truth of who I was and the truth of who I have become. To leave either part out would be dishonest and only telling half the truth.

  1. Kindness

If I had to define kindness, it is the kind of selfless act that you do for someone even when they never ask, nor is there any kind of reward for it. I live as a kind person every day by being a Vegan who does my best not to harm the animals as well as maintain respect for all life forms, even the humans I don’t like very much. I believe that the Golden Rule is the best guide to living a life of kindness. Everything I believe about gaming, religion, or politics starts with the requirement that I must treat others the way I wish they treated me if the roles were reversed. Also, kindness never conflicts with Honesty. I can’t lie to make someone feel better, but I need to hold my tongue sometimes when I am angry and could easily hurt them by telling them the truth at the wrong time.

  1. Generosity

Generosity can be a form of kindness, but it most often requires giving something away that you will never get back or getting something in return. I distinctly remember the time before I went to Navy Boot Camp when I gave all of my video game systems and television to my childhood friend. I knew that I would have very little time to enjoy my video games because I was planning to be away for quite some time. To this day, I hope that she and her children are enjoying the classic video games I grew up playing. There have also been other times where I have donated to either charity organizations or individuals in need. As I reflect upon this, I remember the words of Philosopher Peter Singer in his TED Talk about Effective Altruism. Although giving is a good thing, it’s also important to be wise in how I can do the most good. I never regret giving my time or money, but I sometimes regret that I could have given something better or different.

  1. Laughter

I believe that God put me on this planet to bring people joy and make them laugh. I have always entertained people around me without even trying. I have often dreamed of being a comedian who entertains many people. This has inspired me to become a podcaster and streamer, focusing on gaming but also entertainment and talking about important topics that match my other values.

  1. Loyalty

I believe that part of loyalty is keeping the promises you have made to people and not just going back on your word. In a sense, loyalty is a type of Honesty, especially when you have made a promise to someone. If you don’t keep your word, then you will not only lose your reputation but also turn your back on loved ones who expect to be part of your life. But I also think that loyalty is more than keeping promises. I think that the way I take care of my mother is a form of loyalty and is indeed an obligation. I owe my mother for raising me and homeschooling me because it has led to the success I have today. Therefore, I believe that one can be loyal to one’s family, friends, employer, or even country. I believe that people should honor those who have helped shape the good parts of who they are. However, I don’t believe loyalty is ever an excuse to break the other values. For example, people should be loyal or faithful to their partner in a marriage, but this does not mean blind obedience to them or allowing them to abuse them or their children. I don’t know anything about marriage, but it seems like a good example of how things should be. I believe that divorce happens because of dishonesty and at least one person not caring enough about the relationship they have built.

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